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Facade Design Pattern

This week on my CS Journey, I want to talk about the design patterns, Especially the Facade design pattern. In class, we also learned about other designs which are helpful. However, I wanted to focus on the Facade design pattern. To start of Facade is a structural design pattern that adds an interface to an existing system to hide its complexities. In other words, it provides a simple interface that can be used to manipulate more complex logic behind the scenes, that are hidden from the main user. According to the Gang of Four, the Facade pattern intends to "Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem" From the blog I used it provided a diagram that I think is helpful to understand the design pattern. In the diagram, we can see that Facade is acting as an interface for the complex Subsystems that are hidden from the main clients. 

Now let’s take a look at a real-life example. A good example that I found was When a computer starts up, it involves the work of CPU, memory, hard drive, and other subsystems. To make it easy to use for users we can add a Facade that wraps the complexity of the task and provide one simple interface instead. This applies to the Facade design pattern because it hides the complexities of the system and provides an easy interface to the users. 


One of the liabilities is that a Facade might provide limited functionality in comparison to working with the subsystem directly. Does not prevent applications from using subsystems classes if they need to. Also, it can increase the number of wrapper classes. Another liability is that Facade can perform way too many tasks. One of the benefits is that it reduces compilation dependencies is vital in large software systems. Overall, The Facade design pattern is helpful when dealing with the complex system because It enables us to use the complex system much more easily.


There are a lot of examples, diagrams, and Java Codes, readings and a link to a GitHub resource that are provided in the blog I used. I would suggest you to take a look at the website because it goes into further detail about the facade design pattern, including various examples using diagrams and also this reference contains a lot of information that is broken down into easy steps which are user friendly.


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