Here is the Link to the repositories that contains everything we worked on Sprint-3. Backend, Frontend, Event system, and Keycloak. Connect RabbitMQ receive file to DB : Connected the MongoDB database on the received file. Implement Event System components: Implemented RabbitMq components for Event System. Meet with other Event System Teams. : Met with other teams to finalize everything about messages. New TheasPantryReport: The new Theas Pantry Report Create two channels for both teams: Created two channels for both teams on the send and receive files. For this Sprint, I worked mainly with Austin on the backend components such as implanting the rabbbitMQ, making API, and trying to get out system working. What worked well / did not work well For this sprint, what worked best was that we got our reporting system functioning. We have a system where the Rabbitmq receives the messa...
For the last and final blog post in my capstone class, I focused on the apprenticeship pattern of “Retreat into Competence” from chapter two of the book Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. The section talked about perhaps how you are overwhelmed or beginning to realize how little you know, or perhaps you have taken on a new challenge and things are not working out so well. However, getting back into something you are good at is a nice way of regaining your composure. I completely agree with this statement, sometimes all we need a just a pullback to launch forward towards the goal. The quote provided at the beginning of the section is what stood out to me the most. It states that “You look at where you’re going and where you are and it never makes sense, but then you look back at where you’ve been, and a pattern seems to emerge. And if you project forward from that pattern, then sometimes you can come up with something.” This got me thinking very d...