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Sprint 3 Retrospective Here is the Link to the repositories that contains everything we worked on Sprint-3. Backend, Frontend, Event system, and Keycloak. Connect RabbitMQ receive file to DB : Connected the MongoDB database on the received file. Implement Event System components: Implemented RabbitMq components for Event System. Meet with other Event System Teams. : Met with other teams to finalize everything about messages. New TheasPantryReport: The new Theas Pantry Report Create two channels for both teams: Created two channels for both teams on the send and receive files.   For this Sprint, I worked mainly with Austin on the backend components such as implanting the rabbbitMQ, making API, and trying to get out system working. What worked well / did not work well For this sprint, what worked best was that we got our reporting system functioning. We have a system where the Rabbitmq receives the messa...
Recent posts

Apprenticeship Patterns Blog – Retreat into Competence

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Apprenticeship Patterns Blog – Learn How you Fail

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Automation Testing

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Testing with Mockito

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Apprenticeship Patterns Blog - Expand Your Bandwidth

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Sprint 2 Retrospective Here is the Link to the repositories that contains everything we worked on Sprint-2. Backend, Frontend, Event system, and Keycloak. RabbitMQ Docker container:   Created a Docker container for Reporting Team Learn how to get messages from Queue:   Learned How to send and receive messages using JSON object Meeting with other Event System Team:   Met with the other teams to discuss the format and schema Review CSS and HTML:   Reviewed CSS and HTML for the Frontend design. Work with Backend/Database for MQ : Worked with Database and Backend to figure out the Receive file. For the Sprint, I worked mostly on the Event System components with the Backend person. We figured out how to properly send and receive messages using the JSON object. What worked well / did not work well For the Sprint, I worked mostly on the Event System components with the Backend person. We figure...