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Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning Testing

When it comes to a large pool of input data, it is not possible to perform exhausting testing for each set of test data. There should be an easy way to select test cases from the pool so that all scenarios are covered. This is when the Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis testing techniques were introduced. In today’s blog, I want to do further research on the testing technique of Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning Testing. Equivalence Partitioning and Boundary value analysis are linked to each other and can be used together at all levels of software testing. To start, Boundary value testing is the process of testing between extreme boundaries between the partitions, for example like start, end, lower, upper, maximum, minimum, just inside, and outside values. Normally Boundary value analysis is part of stress and negative testing. Using the Boundary Value Analysis technique tester creates test cases for the required input field.

Now when it comes to equivalence partitioning or equivalence class testing is a type of black box testing technique in which the input data units are divided into equivalent partitions that can be used to derive test cases. This helps with reducing the time required for testing a small number of test cases. This technique can be applied to all levels of software testing like system, unit, and integration. One of the examples that were widely used in many resources that I have look at is: let us say a password field accepts a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 10 characters, that means results for values in partitions 0-5, 6-10, 11-14 should be equivalent.  The three testing scenarios will be:

1       Enter 0 to 5 characters         System should not accept

2       Enter 6 to 10 characters       System should accept

3       Enter 11-to-14-character      System should not accept.

Equally, Both testing techniques are used to reduce a very large number of test cases to a manageable piece, Both are appropriate for calculating intensive applications with such a large number of variables and input data.


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